The concept of man-made safety management by minimizing the risk of personnel in the application of defense forces during emergencies
The article proposes the concept of man-made safety management by minimizing the risk of personnel in the application of defense forces during natural, man-made and military emergencies.This concept has been developed on the basis of: an analysis of the use of national armed forces and other military formations in emergency response; etymological analysis of terms, definitions and categories; the use of management theory and risk theory. The basic idea of the developed concept is that providing the highest possible level of protection of personnel (at the expense of minimizing the risk of its use) defense forces against the negative consequences of emergencies, including during combat operations, it is possible to manage man-made security.The concept of man-made safety management by minimizing the risk of personnel in the application of defense forces during emergencies is the basis for the development of a comprehensive method of the same name.The results of the study can be used to organize the elimination of the consequences of natural, man-made and military emergencies and to manage man-made safety by minimizing the risk of personnel involved.
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