Immediately mathematical model of maneuverability of the items of the administration

  • Volodymyr Kotsyuruba The National University Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky
  • Ruslan Cherevko The National University Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky
Keywords: control point, maneuverability, engineering barriers, survivability


At the current stage of the reformation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of the operation of the United Nations (Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO)), there was a need to increase the effectiveness of the use of troops without increasing the cost of the resource. In the context of increasing capabilities of the armies of the leading countries in the world to investigate and defeat the forces of the opposite side, the problem of maintaining and restoring combat capability in the course of hostilities is very acute. One of the important components that determines combat capability is the maneuverability of the control points (PU). In the course of the defense, the problem of increasing the survivability of the PU system is important because the forces of the opposite side, with the onset of aggression, will try, first of all, to dismantle the PU using modern means of defeat and the massive use of high-precision weapons (WTZ), as well as aircraft and artillery strikes, electronic information and information fight, the use of sabotage and reconnaissance groups and tactical airborne troops to disrupt the control of defending troops. Important importance of the ability to timely carry out maneuver (organized movement) of PU and its elements into a new area in the preparation and in the course of military operations. The traditional approach to ensuring the survivability of PU does not allow to ensure the proper stability of their functioning. There is an objective necessity in the development of such a mathematical model of maneuverability, which in its characteristics would meet the dynamically increasing requirements of the control system of troops in the difficult conditions of projected operations. To ensure the quality management of military units, various measures to ensure the survivability of PU are considered. The article outlines approaches to the definition of indicators of estimation of maneuverability of PU and methods of their calculation. The research is carried out in modern conditions of combat operations, taking into account the movement of the line of the combat collision of the parties and the disclosure of the PU to the enemy's intelligence.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Kotsyuruba, The National University Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Professor of the Department of Operative and Military Support

Ruslan Cherevko, The National University Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Post-graduate  student


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How to Cite
Kotsyuruba, V., & Cherevko, R. (2019). Immediately mathematical model of maneuverability of the items of the administration. Social Development and Security, 9(3), 56 -.