Analysis of factors, those affect the effectiveness of the logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
In the article, based on the conducted analysis of the functioning of the logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, after the evaluation of the overall indicator, the main directions of development and improvement of it through the introduction of a unified automated logistic management system are offered.
One of the most important tasks of modern system analysis is the estimation of the general indicator of the level of functioning of the system of logistics on the basis of a set of partial indicators of its subsystems and parameters.
When analyzing a complex system, the mathematical apparatus used is highly effective, but it is still an auxiliary research tool. Using the method of system performance evaluation, these indicators are optimized according to the timeliness and completeness of the logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, its improvement, and the ability to perform the assigned tasks in the structure of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. An important feature of information analysis in the study of the system, elaboration and justification of control influences is the joint use of both quantitative information and qualitative for finding alternative levers of indicators that are likely to characterize subsystems.
To improve the efficiency of the logistics system in crisis situations, a method for assessing the subsystem for improving the level of functioning of the logistics system has been applied, and the directions for reducing the negative impact of deficiencies in the work of the system on the process of logistics and ways of solving problem issues have been identified.
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