The role of information resources of the state border service of Ukraine in ensuring its information security

Keywords: information, support, command, Border Guard


Purpose: the aim of the work was to analyse the importance of information resources in ensuring the border security of the state as a component of the national.

Design/Method/Approach: the main methods of research were: search and information (in order to systematize and streamline the information base); system and subject analysis (to clarify the content of key concepts on the research problem); analysis of the problem in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; references, content analysis y (essential features) in the definition of “information resource” (knowledge, events and phenomena as its forms).

 The results of the study: the main tasks of information support of the border agency: timely processing of information from the external and internal environment; placement of information; implementation of processes of organization, storage and transfer of information; creation of perfect system information; application of modern information and communication technologies; increasing the productivity of the department's representatives, etc.

Originality of the research: the research revealed the following: perception of information support as a dynamic system of information resources and options for their processing, to study the real state of objects; identification of factors that affect them.

The theoretical value lies in the compilation of popular scientific views on the problem of research.

The practical value of the study is that it identifies the features of the essence and objectives of information support of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

Future research: Promising areas of further research are identified as follows: issues of process improvement, grouping, search, systematization and dissemination of information in the border department, as well as their impact on management.

 The type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Torichnyi , V., & Burmaka , A. (2022). The role of information resources of the state border service of Ukraine in ensuring its information security. Social Development and Security, 12(1), 175-178.
Social Sciences