Peer-review policy
Journal of Scientific Papers “Social Development and Security” adheres to the international standards of publication ethics according to the international rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publications of the COPE.
All articles sent to the Journal are reviewed.
Reviewing is aimed at improving the quality of scientific articles published in the Journal using the evaluation of the materials by highly qualified experts.
The chief editor of the Journal determines the correspondence of the article to the specification of the Journal, requirements to the design, and if necessary, sends it to the author for corrections. The corrected article is given for review to an expert who has the scientific specialization closest to the topic. The procedure of reviewing is anonymous for both the reviewer and the authors and is made by two independent reviewers (double “blind” reviewing). In each article during the process of reviewing the following aspects are considered:
- ethical aspects;
- originality of the work;
- relevance, scientific originality;
- correspondence of the content of the article to the topic claimed in the title;
- correspondence of the content of the article to the topical orientations of the Journal;
- correspondence of the article to the scientific level of the Journal;
- language-stylistic characteristics of the text;
- significance of the information;
- clarity and understandability of the text;
- expedience of the methods used in the study;
- interpretation of the results;
- substantiation of the conclusions;
- sufficiency of the source base provided by the authors.
The type period necessary for the review is 3-4 weeks (which can be changed during the editing process).
The conclusion of the reviewer made in the form proposed by the Journal should be signed by the reviewer with the indication of workplace, rank, scientific level, scientific degree, and dates of the review completion.
See also sections:
- Review process;
- Selecting peer-reviewers;
- Recommendations to the Reviewer;
- Reviewer Competing Interest Guidelines.