Laboratory studies of the influence of weapons on an armored obstacle

Keywords: means of destruction, armor barrier, laboratory research, ballistic pendulum, mathematical model


Purpose: Conduct laboratory studies of the impact of means of destruction on the additional and main armor barrier and obtain statistical data that will build a polynomial dependence of the impact of kinetic energy of the means of destruction on the body of armored combat vehicles.

Design/Method/Approach (only for empirical papers): To assess the stability of additional booking, the method of studying the parameters of the breakdown with the registration of the shock pulse was chosen, which allows for rapid assessment of the resistance of materials to deformation and destruction during through penetration. The laboratory study was performed using a ballistic pendulum, ballistic barrel, speedometer and other necessary laboratory equipment.

Findings: With the help of laboratory equipment, statistical data were obtained, which will allow, in the future, to build a polynomial dependence of the kinetic energy of the means of destruction on the armor barrier and the body of the armored combat vehicle.

Theoretical implications (if applicable): During the tests, theoretical approaches will be tested and confirmed or refuted in terms of the effectiveness of additional protection, namely additional armor barrier, and built polynomial models will allow you to choose the optimal parameters of additional booking.

Practical implications (if applicable): The results of the study can be used to create additional protection of armored combat vehicles from means of destruction of kinetic action up to 14.5 mm.

Originality/Value: Constructed as a result of a multifactor experiment, the regularity of the impact of the means of destruction on the armor barrier for the first time takes into account: the distance from the armor barrier to armor, the angle of contact of the weapon with the armor barrier and the thickness of the additional armor barrier.

Research limitations/Future research: This study paves the way for future studies of the resistance of the armor barrier to the means of destruction.

The obtained results can be used to determine the impact of the means of destruction, namely bullets 7.62 mm, 12.7 mm, 14.5 mm on the additional armor barrier, which will determine the minimum required level of additional armor.

Paper type: practical.


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How to Cite
Horbachova, Y. (2022). Laboratory studies of the influence of weapons on an armored obstacle. Social Development and Security, 12(1), 70-80.
Engineering and Technology