Formulation of requirements for the protection of armored combat vehicles from damage by kinetic ammunition

Keywords: armored combat vehicles, security, kinetic ammunition, armored obstacle, classification of damage, stability indicators


The article presents the classification of armor barrier lesions according to the tactical feature and the nature of the deformation of the armor material. The lesions are considered safe and dangerous. The characteristics of the lesions, which are fragile and viscous, are given, on what their formation depends and what is their essential difference. The main factors influencing the nature of the damage to the armor barrier are identified, namely: the hardness of the armor barrier, the ratio of armor thickness to ammunition caliber, ammunition quality, armor barrier quality and temperature conditions and their characteristics. Also, it is determined how the shape of the main part of the ammunition and their hardness and strength affect the nature of interaction with the armor barrier. It is revealed what is meant by the quality of the armor barrier and the main defects of additional protection are identified, which can significantly affect the level of protection of armored combat vehicles. In addition, the process of choosing a rational way to protect an armored combat vehicle from kinetic ammunition is proposed, and a model of armor obstacle stability is presented to formalize the set scientific task on the basis of a set-theoretic approach. Based on this scientific task, it is necessary to determine the stability of the armor barrier at which its target function acquires the maximum value among all possible options.


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How to Cite
Horbachova, Y. (2021). Formulation of requirements for the protection of armored combat vehicles from damage by kinetic ammunition. Social Development and Security, 11(2), 115-124.