Security education as a practical dimension of implementing sustainable development concept

Keywords: security education, CSR, the essence of security, sustainable development


The purpose of this article is to illustrate the fact that it is a combination of safety and sustainability. For a better understanding of the essence of the subject matter, the general issues forming sustainable development and the objectives of security education as a transmitter between generations are presented. The key factors of education for security arise from sustainable development objectives. The concept of education for security cannot be tantamount to the anticipated reduced curricula in schools. The concept of security must be promoted not only as one of human needs but as an indispensable determinant of development and vice versa. In order to better understand the message of this text, a study has been carried out on safety education programmes at various levels of education in the European Union. The whole consideration has been contextualised on the basis of an analysis of written sources concerning the state's internal security as and when it comes to global security. Taking into account the significant role of security in the proper implementation of the concept of sustainable development gives sense to the implementation of individual sustainable development objectives in relation not only to global but also regional as well as local conditions.


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Author Biography

Aleksander Sapiński, Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law
Currently I am working on two doctoral dissertations at the same time. I am working on a doctoral dissertation which will deal with the literary-linguistic image of a man of success in the New Testament in the field of literature studies(ATH B-B) andin the area of security studies, I am preparing my doctoral dissertation about the impact of social capital on cross-border security (KA im. A.F.M). In the field of management I deal with: multigeneration management, CSR, diversity management, humanistic management, etc. I am also lecturing and conducting research at the Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law During my free time I am the President of the Association of Organic Production and Tourism BEST PROEKO in Jeleśnia (Poland).


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How to Cite
Sapiński, A., Mączka, E., & Nastuła, A. (2020). Security education as a practical dimension of implementing sustainable development concept. Social Development and Security, 10(4), 139-145.