The importance of social economy practice for the development of social capital of local self-governments in the perspective of labour market security

Keywords: social security, social economy, social reintegration, labour market


The development of local communities, the future of the Republic of Poland is a matter requiring the integration of hands, hearts and minds, a sense of rights and obligations of all citizens. With this awareness and the need for action to rebuild ties in local communities, the General Meeting of the Beskidy Association of Ecological Production and Tourism BEST PROEKO in 2014 adopted a resolution on statutory actions to counteract the spreading social pathology and social exclusion of the unemployed and disadvantaged people, which resulted in the creation of the first Social Integration Centre in the district of Żywiec in Jeleśnia. It is a coherent, integrated and coherent measure that fits into the Development Strategy of the Silesian Voivodeship "Śląskie 2020+" in the area of social economy and fulfils the mission to create a necessary platform for cooperation for local partnership in order to improve the quality of life of persons in need of comprehensive support on the way to return to decent living and to social and professional activity.  The Beskidzki Congress of Social Economy had the task of bottom-up evaluation of the activity of social economy entities of the Polish Social Economy and analysis of conditions and needs in terms of legal and organizational changes to improve their functioning in a coherent and integrated local partnership in the space of socio-economic life of the inhabitants of the Podbeskidzie region.


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Author Biography

Aleksander Sapiński, Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law
Currently I am working on two doctoral dissertations at the same time. I am working on a doctoral dissertation which will deal with the literary-linguistic image of a man of success in the New Testament in the field of literature studies(ATH B-B) andin the area of security studies, I am preparing my doctoral dissertation about the impact of social capital on cross-border security (KA im. A.F.M). In the field of management I deal with: multigeneration management, CSR, diversity management, humanistic management, etc. I am also lecturing and conducting research at the Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law During my free time I am the President of the Association of Organic Production and Tourism BEST PROEKO in Jeleśnia (Poland).


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How to Cite
Binda, J., Sapiński, A., & Pochopień, J. (2019). The importance of social economy practice for the development of social capital of local self-governments in the perspective of labour market security. Social Development and Security, 9(6), 3-10.