On the problem of efficient task distribution among available equipment during the elimination of emergency situations

Keywords: excavator complex, restoration, idle time, dump trucks


Purpose: To construct a mathematical model of the problem of efficient task distribution among available equipment at a single recovery site, develop an algorithm for solving such problems, and generate a set of efficient solutions using a specific example.

Method: The constructed model represents a linear programming problem with two quality indicators: time and cost of task execution. For the considered problem, a set of admissible work volumes for each excavator complex is constructed, which forms a segment in space. As a numerical example, a problem with three types of excavators is considered. To solve it, a program for calculations in the Maple analytical computation system is developed, which determines the set of efficient solutions and establishes the graphical and analytical relationship between the cost of work execution and the time spent on it.

The results of the study: The mathematical model has been constructed for the problem of efficient task distribution among available equipment at a single recovery site. The algorithm has been developed to solve problems of this type, and a set of efficient solutions has been generated.

Theoretical implications: The results of the conducted research are beneficial for application in planning the restoration work of transportation infrastructure objects and critical infrastructure objects associated with the movement of large volumes of earth masses.

Value: The study presents a mathematical model for the problem of efficient task distribution among available equipment at a single recovery site during the elimination of emergency situations. The model takes into account the specified quantities of excavator types and each type's constraint on the number of transportation vehicles, which affects the idle time of the latter.

Limitations of the study: The limitation of the study lies in the usage of information that is freely available.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Bisik, S., Bohomaz, V., Aristarkhov, O., Borenko, M., & Borysenko, A. (2023). On the problem of efficient task distribution among available equipment during the elimination of emergency situations. Social Development and Security, 13(4), 35-47. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2023.13.4.4
Engineering and Technology