Improved partial methodology for assessing human resources of the military command and control body of the armed forces of Ukraine

Keywords: management, officers, efficiency, human resources


Purpose: to highlight the results of solving the scientific and practical task of developing a partial methodology for assessing the provision of human resources to a military command and control body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as part of a comprehensive methodology for assessing the effectiveness of recruitment and placement of personnel in the military command and control bodies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Design/method: the main research method is the method of systematic analysis

Results of the study: The article proposes a partial methodology for assessing the level of resource provision of a military command and control body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The methodology for assessing the level of resource provision of a military command and control body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine provides for establishing the number of officers ready for promotion in the military command and control body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the level of quality of the Reserve for promotion in the military command and control body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is established that the first indicator which is taken into account when calculating the level of resource provision of a military management body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the number of officers ready for promotion in the military management body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Another indicator that is taken into account when calculating the level of resource support of the military command and control body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the level of quality of the Reserve for promotion in the military command and control body

Theoretical imprications: the results of the study can be used in the selection and placement of officers in the military command and control bodies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in further research in this area in scientific institutions.

Papertype: scientific and theoretical article.


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How to Cite
Bilyk, O. (2023). Improved partial methodology for assessing human resources of the military command and control body of the armed forces of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 13(4), 1-7.
National Security