The main indicators for assessing the level of military danger

  • Spartak Hohoniants The National University Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky
Keywords: national defense, national interests, threats to national interests, strategic management, indicators of military danger, methods for assessing military danger


The article deals with approaches to the choice of indicators of military danger in order to carry out an assessment of threats to the national interests of the state. The attention is focused on the acute need for a careful attitude to the analysis of the dynamics of changes in the military-political situation and the assessment of the level of military danger for Ukraine. It is formulated the necessity of using the scientific approach to the forecast of the level of military danger for Ukraine as a geopolitical player.

An overview of existing research and publications of specialists in the national security strategy on the investigation of threats to national interests in the military field has shown that existing approaches are sufficiently developed and informative. In conducted research, military danger is considered as the potential ability of any state (group of states) to use military force to solve interstate political, economic, military, ethnic, religious and other contradictions. And this potential opportunity is constantly threatening the national interests of Ukraine, which can lead to different forms of armed confrontation. At the same time, the ambiguity in certain theoretical positions raises the need to clarify the definition of the most dangerous threats to national interests in the military sphere, and the constant transformations of the theory of military security of the state further complicate the solution of this problem. Therefore, in the interests of deeper formalization of geopolitical processes and taking into account their impact on the level of military danger, the application of the appropriate system of indicators is proposed.

To assess the level of military danger for Ukraine, it is proposed to select 17 indicators that can be used together in the procedures for determining the level of military danger to Ukraine by other states. The use of separate values of the relevant indicators of military danger during the prediction of changes in the military-political situation can be used to substantiate the relevant decisions in the bodies of state military management.


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Author Biography

Spartak Hohoniants, The National University Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Chief of Scientific Research Department


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How to Cite
Hohoniants, S. (2019). The main indicators for assessing the level of military danger. Social Development and Security, 9(2), 3–13.