Analysis of factors and modern threats to the information security of the state in the context of ensuring the national security of Ukraine

Keywords: security, state, politics, information, war


Purpose: analysis of current threats to Ukraine's national security in the information sphere, determination of prospective countermeasures to ensure it.

Research/Method/Approach: the conducted research is based on the use of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization and formalization.

Findings: analyzed internal and external information threats to the national security of Ukraine and proposed approaches to ensure the continuity of the state information security system.

Theoretical implications: of the study lies in the proposed systematization and classification of modern threats to information security in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Future research: promising areas of further scientific research can be the development of a methodological apparatus for assessing the level of threats to information security and studying their impact on military and national security, as well as substantiating recommendations for comprehensive measures to counter these threats.

Papertype: descriptive and theoretical-generalizing.


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How to Cite
Fedchenko, O. (2022). Analysis of factors and modern threats to the information security of the state in the context of ensuring the national security of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 12(3), 128-134.
Social Sciences

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