Analysis of historical ways of economic support of war of the end of XVIII – early XIX century in the context of the French-Russian war of 1812-1814

Keywords: military economy, war, Napoleonic wars


Purpose: the purpose of the article is to analyze some historical methods of economic support of the wars of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries to determine the features of the economic support of the wars inherent in the analyzed period.

Design/Method/Approach: to achieve the goal of the study, its decomposition was carried out and the following was investigated: the development of economic theory at the end of the XVIII century – the beginning of the XIX century; certain methods of economic security, typical of the Russian Empire in the early XIX century; certain methods of economic security are inherent in the French Empire of the late XVIII century – early XIX century. Finally, some features of the historical methods of economic support of the war, inherent in the subject period, have been systematically identified during the study. Methods of analysis and synthesis became the methodological tools of the study.

Findings: the article analyzes the development of economic theory of the late XVIII century – the beginning of the XIX century; analyzed some ways of economic support inherent in the French and Russian empires at the beginning of the XIX century; the historical features of the methods of economic support of the war, inherent in the period of research, are singled out.

Theoretical implications: according to the results of the research, the existing theory of military economics has been improved in the context of highlighting a number of features in the methods of economic support of the war of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries on the example of the Franco-Russian war of 1812-1814. The results of the research can be useful for scholars in the fields of military economics and history and used in relevant fields of research.

Practical implications: the article highlights and identifies the historical features of the methods of economic support of the war, inherent in the study period.

Originality/Value: the scientific novelty of the study is to determine the features of historical methods of economic support of the war, inherent in the subject period considered in the study.

 Research limitations/Future research: the limitation of the study is to take into account the ways of economic support of the war of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries on the example of the Franco-Russian war of 1812-1814. The end of the XVIII century was chosen as the research period - the beginning of the XIX century, the object of study – the French and Russian empires, the highest level of military power and economic opportunities. The following issues are considered promising for further research: coverage of ways of economic security in later historical periods (the First and Second World Wars) to establish their features and substantiate trends in the development of ways of economic security of wars; analysis of the current state of functioning of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine; study of the mechanism of formation and implementation of mobilization tasks in the course of meeting the needs of defense to identify their features and development trends.

 Papertype: theoretical


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How to Cite
Loishyn , A. (2022). Analysis of historical ways of economic support of war of the end of XVIII – early XIX century in the context of the French-Russian war of 1812-1814. Social Development and Security, 12(1), 145-163.
Social Sciences