Justification of technical requirements for the sight anti-tank artillery

Keywords: anti-tank artillery gun, upgraded sight, additional equipment


The issues of the formation of technical requirements for the modernized sights of anti-tank artillery guns are considered, options for their instrumentation and requirements for it are proposed.

The effectiveness of the use of anti-tank weapons in the conduct of hostilities depends on their characteristics, among which is the possibility of recognizing and hitting targets at any time of the year and time of day.

The 100-mm MT-12 anti-tank cannon is equipped with an optical sight, which does not fully ensure its aiming at a target in conditions of limited visibility, and the APN-6-40 night sight is structurally outdated and ineffective. This forces an active search for ways to solve the problem of the combat use of this type of weapons and military equipment, one of which is the modernization of the anti-tank artillery sight, which will replace the existing ones and, in general, increase the combat effectiveness of the anti-tank cannon.

An analysis of similar weapons in the most militarily developed countries shows that the path of modernization of a significant part of weapons and military equipment is promising, in addition, the financial costs of developing a model of weapons and military equipment (modernization) can be reduced several times in comparison with the creation of a new model of weapons. In many countries, modernization is viewed as one of the main ways of providing technical support for the defense capability of the armed forces. For example, the United States, when deciding on the need to develop and produce a new weapon system, takes into account the possibilities of modernizing weapons in service. A positive decision is made only if all the possibilities of modernization have been exhausted or it is inexpedient.


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How to Cite
Laznya, O., Dorofeev , N., & Melnyk , B. (2021). Justification of technical requirements for the sight anti-tank artillery. Social Development and Security, 11(3), 140-147. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2021.11.3.13