Regarding the management of the capabilities to meet the needs of the armed forces with ammunition

Keywords: Armed Forces, security capability, information-logical model, peacetime, wartime, ammunition, software


The article analyzes the tasks performed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and measures to provide ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in peacetime and in wartime. The purpose of the study is to analyze the correspondence between the tasks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and ammunition stocks. Based on the systematization of literature sources and approaches, it was clarified that under any circumstances, the Armed Forces must ensure the deterrence of armed aggression against Ukraine, as well as participate in measures to combat terrorism. The methodological tools of the study were analysis, synthesis, decomposition, experience of hostilities in eastern Ukraine. The study examines the processes of acquiring the necessary capabilities to provide ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in peacetime and in wartime. Indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of capabilities to meet the needs of the Armed Forces with ammunition are proposed. The information-logical model of the process of providing the Armed Forces with ammunition in peacetime and in wartime is proposed, which gives a clear idea of the ratio of tasks performed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and measures to provide ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in peacetime and wartime.


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How to Cite
Kosaretsky , Y., Pavlikovsky, A., Hunbin , K., Bondarenko, O., & Lavruk, M. (2021). Regarding the management of the capabilities to meet the needs of the armed forces with ammunition. Social Development and Security, 11(3), 89-97.