The concept of studying the problems of ensuring the military and economic security of the state

  • Ivan Tkach National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky
Keywords: military-economic security, economic system of society, national interests, military products


The article analyzes the economic systems of society. Conceptual principles of research of modern economic system of society are developed. Thе concept makes it possible, using a systematic approach in scientific knowledge, to identify certain logical chains of the interaction of the components of a social order in the corresponding subordination. It is established that the integral result of economic activity of the economic system of society is the state of well-being of citizens and each person in the final dimension as the main factor of economic development. Based on this concept, the Conceptual Principles for the Study of National Security Problems of the State were developed. The proposed conceptual framework develops and expands and expands the potentialities of the methodology of economic systems, and is the first example of the application of the ideas of this methodology to study applied, practical and significant problems for the state, such as the national security of the state. Developing the conceptual framework considered the concept of study of military-economic security of the state from the standpoint of economic determinants is proposed. The first approaches to the construction of the concepts of studying the problems of the modern economic system of society, the national security of the state and the provision of military-economic security of the state from the standpoint of economic determinants, which continue to search in the scientific and practical economic environment in the direction of refinement, rethinking and optimizing the category "Economic system of society" and its application for the national security of the state.


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How to Cite
Tkach , I. (2018). The concept of studying the problems of ensuring the military and economic security of the state. Social Development and Security, 4(2), 3-13.