The factors affecting customer satisfaction, competitive advantage, and performance in the MSMEs in the craft industry sector from East Kalimantan Province


  • Risna Nona University of Mulawarman, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management
  • Suharno University of Mulawarman, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management
  • Sri Mintarti University of Mulawarman, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management
  • Yohannes Kuleh University of Mulawarman, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management
Keywords: product innovation, product quality, CRM, competitive advantages, satisfaction, performance


This study is intended to examine the problems in MSMEs in East Kalimantan. This study uses survey techniques by distributing questionnaires, then the data or information obtained is processed by statistical methods using the PLS Warp software. The data analysis method uses PLS (Partial Least Square). The number of questionnaires distributed as many as 320 respondents according to the number of samples in this study with the process of taking a simple random sampling data. The results showed that: Product innovation had no significant negative effect on customer satisfaction, product quality had a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction, CRM had a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction, product innovation had no significant negative effect on competitive advantage, product quality had a significant positive effect on excellence competitive, CRM has a significant positive effect on competitive advantage, product innovation has a significant positive effect on performance, product quality has a significant positive effect on performance, CRM has no significant positive effect on performance, satisfaction has a significant positive effect on competitive advantage, competitive advantage has a significant positive effect on performance, Satisfaction has a significant positive effect on performance in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Craft Products Category in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.


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Author Biographies

Risna Nona , University of Mulawarman, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management

Faculty of Economics and Business, Ph.D Student in Program of Management Science Doctoral Corresponding

Suharno, University of Mulawarman, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management

Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management, Prof (full)

Sri Mintarti , University of Mulawarman, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management

Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management, Prof (full)

Yohannes Kuleh , University of Mulawarman, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management

Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management, Dr (Senior Lecturer)


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How to Cite
Risna Nona, Suharno, Sri Mintarti, & Yohannes Kuleh. (2021). The factors affecting customer satisfaction, competitive advantage, and performance in the MSMEs in the craft industry sector from East Kalimantan Province: Indonesia. Social Development and Security, 11(1), 117-130.