Analysis of the functioning of battlefield control system of engineering support of an operation, problems and ways of its solution

  • Mykola Konotopets National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky
  • Ruslan Cherevko National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky
Keywords: battlefield control system of engineering support, object of an operation engineering support, managment process.


The article deals with the analysis of the functioning of battlefield control system of engineering support of an operation, problems and ways of its solution. On the basis of complex systems management of general theory the main points were defined. The object of an operation engineering support can be introduced as a minimum three level hierarchy of embedded in each other’s processes. The problems of engineering support management were defined and ways of its solution were suggested.


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How to Cite
Konotopets, M., & Cherevko, R. (2018). Analysis of the functioning of battlefield control system of engineering support of an operation, problems and ways of its solution. Social Development and Security, 3(1), 37 -.