Psychological distinguished characteristics of legal education in the context of reformation of the legal system of Ukraine

  • Yuliia Boiko-Buzyl National academy of internal affairs (Institute of Criminal-Executive Service)
  • Iryna Salii National academy of internal affairs (Institute of Criminal-Executive Service)
Keywords: psychology, legal education, legal process


The article will be interesting for specialists in psychology and law, scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff, who participate in educational process in sphere of legal education of individual. This article describes (justifies) the insufficiency of illustration, in previously written scientific projects, of the basics of legal education on current stage of Ukrainian reforms, in which main psychological aspects would be taken into account. These aspects are based on creation of individual’s legal culture with prevalence of universal human values. This article shows that modern life realities demand determination of place and role for legal education, taking into account psychological aspects, in the context of reformation of the Legal System, its aim and tasks, review and improvement of forms and methods. Scientific task on justification of main psychological principles of legal education on current stage of our state development was formulated. The main idea is creation of legal culture of individual in whom universal human values prevail. It is defined, that legal education mast be based on: deeply rooted folk traditions of humanism;  folk pedagogics; best samples of world culture (which are the most important factors of personality formation); ideological principles of universal human  values and ideas of creation of constitutional stat; ideological basis (The Constitution of Ukraine); pluralism; fusion of possibilities of folk pedagogics; the best moral and ethical traditions; moral laws of the Bible; the best samples of achievements of world civilization; culture; idea of philosophical and religious social consciousness; interconnection and coherence of legal education with modern state-building processes in Ukraine. Pedagogues, psychologists and lawyers, who are involved in work on problems of legal education, should concentrate their efforts on possibilities of psychology and law to ensure behavior, which would guaranty progressive and irreversible development of society.


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Author Biographies

Yuliia Boiko-Buzyl, National academy of internal affairs (Institute of Criminal-Executive Service)

Head of department of practical psychology

Iryna Salii, National academy of internal affairs (Institute of Criminal-Executive Service)

Master’s student of the faculty of distance education and distance learning


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How to Cite
Boiko-Buzyl, Y., & Salii, I. (2019). Psychological distinguished characteristics of legal education in the context of reformation of the legal system of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 9(1), 90–95.