Smart Grid in ensuring the intellectualization of the energy system of Ukraine

Keywords: energy system intellectualization, Smart Grid, innovative technologies, renewable energy sources, electric power industry market


The purpose of the article is to study the role and place of the Smart Grid in the process of intellectualizing the energy system of Ukraine. The article defines the essence of the category of "intellectualization of the power system", which made it possible to identify the features of "intelligent" networks in the power industry. Based on the systematization of foreign experience in implementing Smart-strategies in the process of intellectualizing the energy system, the practical possibilities of implementing the main provisions in the Ukrainian economy are considered. It has been established that due to the introduction of “smart” networks by 2020 in EU countries, it is planned to increase the efficiency of energy resources consumption by 20% due to the reduction of specific energy consumption per unit of GDP, and for the same amount it is planned to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, it is expected that during this period, the volume of electricity supply, thanks to "intelligent" networks, will exceed one fifth of their total volume. A study of Ukraine's experience in implementing Smart Grid showed that this direction is a priority for the formation of the electric power market. Thus, the Smart Grid system allows energy companies to manage the entire energy supply network as a single system. The implementation of the Smart Grid is designed to solve current tasks with the help of an intelligent network, which allows us to increase profitability, reliability and dependability of work, reduce technical and commercial losses, improve manageability and operational efficiency of networks against the background of increasing consumption. Within the framework of the concept and methodology for the implementation of the Smart Grid system, the requirements of all interested parties should be taken into account - the state, generating, grid and energy retail companies, consumers and equipment manufacturers. This direction is highlighted by the prospect of further research.


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Author Biography

Svitlana Bondarenko, Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Research of the NAS of Ukraine

Senior Researcher of the Market Mechanisms and Structures Department


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, S. (2019). Smart Grid in ensuring the intellectualization of the energy system of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 9(1), 26–39.