Methodological approaches to determining the number of staff of the Internal Audit Service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in risk-oriented planning of activities
Purpose: develop and substantiate methodological approaches to determining the number of personnel of the internal audit service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in risk-oriented planning of their activities in accordance with the scope of work and financial risks arising under the legal regime of martial law.
Method: methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction, analogy and comparison.
Practical implications: result of the study, methodological approaches to determining the number of staff of the internal audit service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in risk-oriented planning of activities were developed and argued, and their compliance with the scope of work and financial risks arising under the legal regime of martial law was substantiated.
Value: the study is to improve scientific and methodological approaches to determining the number of staff of the internal audit service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in risk-oriented planning of activities.
Future research: reforming the internal audit service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, cooperation with international and security organizations, etc.
Paper type: theoretical and practical.
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