Evaluation of accuracy of determination of coordinated air target in the time of solving tasks of integrated control of employability of surface-to-air missile system radar means
The article deals with the issues of substantiation of the decisions to be made regarding the correspondence of a number of characteristics of the radar equipment of the SAM. The characteristics include the characteristics associated with the formation of the antenna directivity pattern and certain boundary characteristics of the receiving device. There are proposed method of estimation of the accuracy to determination of the coordinates of air targets by radar means of the radar equipment at the stage of their support. There are made method of estimation of the accuracy to determination of the coordinates of air targets by radar means of the SAM at the stage of their support is proposed. The mathematical relations are obtained for calculating the quantitative characteristics of the coordinates of the air targets. Its are of an occasional nature, which makes it possible to determine the accuracy of determining the coordinates of air targets by test objects.
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