Analysis of state border security in the field of integrated border management

Keywords: threats, capabilities, management, planning, security of the state border, border security, operational service activity, integrated border management


Purpose: to analyze the state of state border security in the field of integrated border management.

Method: an analytical method.

Findings: the analysis was carried out and recommendations were made to the management bodies of the State Border Service of Ukraine regarding the planning of operational and service activities in modern conditions.

Theoretical implications: the analysis allows with sufficient adequacy to implement the main principles of integrated border management, to introduce systemic reforms, to increase the capabilities of the service, to ensure the proper state of state border security in the field of integrated border management.

Value: novelty lies in the discovery of new threats and ways to prevent them in the border area.

Future research: in the course of further research, it is advisable to develop mechanisms to ensure the proper state of border security in the field of integrated border management.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Bratko, A., Vadym, B., & Bilovskyi, O. (2024). Analysis of state border security in the field of integrated border management. Social Development and Security, 14(4), 22-32.
National Security