Detection of key issues, as well as the development of proposals and recommendations for the modernization of existing and construction of new buildings and structures in military towns, taking into account the experience of large-scale armed aggression

Keywords: military buildings, military structures, engineering communications, military infrastructure


Purpose: the research focuses on assessing the current issues and needs for modernizing Ukraine's military towns amid Russia's armed aggression, particularly in the context of enhancing their resilience and adaptability to contemporary threats.

Method: the methods of systematization, specification, and documentation analysis were used.

Findings: The research identified critical deficiencies in existing buildings, such as insufficient resilience to modern threats and outdated engineering systems. The need to implement modern protective structures, autonomous energy supply systems, and modular buildings to enhance mobility was confirmed.

Theoretical implications: the results confirm theories regarding the importance of flexible and adaptive infrastructure, but they require refinement of existing protection and energy supply models under the conditions of intensive combat operations.

Practical implications: Practitioners can use the obtained recommendations to implement the modernization of military towns, which will enhance their resilience and efficiency in combat conditions.

Value: The research proposes new approaches to modernizing military infrastructure, including the integration of autonomous systems and modular structures, which are novel for the national context and crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of military facilities.

Future research: the conclusions may change depending on further developments in combat conditions and technological innovations. Future research could focus on examining the long-term effectiveness of the proposed solutions and their impact on the operational capabilities of military towns.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Frolov, O., Bulhakov, R., Progulny, V., Rabochaya, T., & Linnik, D. (2024). Detection of key issues, as well as the development of proposals and recommendations for the modernization of existing and construction of new buildings and structures in military towns, taking into account the experience of large-scale armed aggression. Social Development and Security, 14(4), 115-123.
Engineering and Technology