The role of contactless warfare in the modern system of global security: the Ukrainian experience

Keywords: non-contact warfare, national security, geopolitical security environment, technologies of contactless warfare, global security system


Purpose: analysis of modern trends, perspectives of non-contact wars based on defined strategies and technologies of their conduct in the modern geopolitical space.

Method: analysis; synthesis; comparison; formalization and expert evaluation; abstraction and conjuncture analysis (thinking).

Practical implications: the main factors determining the need for the development and implementation of the strategy of non-contact wars are determined; the main definitions of the term “contactless war” are summarized; prospects and directions for the implementation of contactless warfare technologies in the modern geopolitical environment are defined; the main strategies of conducting non-contact warfare are summarized; the main characteristics of the influence of the trends of non-contact wars on global security have been formed..

Future research: further research should be directed to an in-depth analysis of modern strategies of non-contact warfare, in particular the development of cyberattacks, electronic warfare, information warfare, the use of autonomous systems and reconnaissance drones, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of these strategies in modern geopolitical conflicts and their impact on international relations.

Paper type: theoretical, practical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Kliat, Y., Ostrovskyi, S., Tsarynnyk, V., Remez, V., & Momot, D. (2024). The role of contactless warfare in the modern system of global security: the Ukrainian experience. Social Development and Security, 14(3), 53-68.
National Security

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