Identification of basic requirements for portfolio management in the defense sector of leading NATO member states

Keywords: portfolio management, projects, programs, risk assessment


Purpose: outline the basic requirements for portfolio management in the defense sector of leading NATO member states.

Method: realize the purpose of the study, the comparison criteria were selected and their comparative analysis was made for further research, taking into account the achievements of previous researchers and the challenges of today.

Research results: by analyzing the existing approaches to portfolio management in the leading countries of the world, the main advantages and benefits of this method are identified. Proposals for the implementation of portfolio management in the defense forces of Ukraine are formulated.

Theoretical value of the study: the results of the study complement the existing theoretical studies in the defense management system, and also allowed to formulate key requirements for portfolio management in the field of defense.

Practical value of the study: the study provides mechanisms for the implementation of portfolio management in the defense sector, taking into account the basic requirements for portfolio management in leading NATO member states.

Value of the study: this study presents the experience of leading NATO member states in terms of basic requirements for portfolio management.

Future research: The limitation of the study is the use of sources that are in the public domain. Future research will be aimed at developing a portfolio management methodology for developing the capabilities of the Ukrainian defense forces.

Type of article: theoretical, practical.


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How to Cite
Tkach, M., Medynska, G., Hrytsyuk, Y., & Gibalo, K. (2024). Identification of basic requirements for portfolio management in the defense sector of leading NATO member states. Social Development and Security, 14(3), 256-267.
Military Security and Humanitarian Aid

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