Method of evaluating the effectiveness of the system of economic support for construction activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Keywords: Armed Forces, construction, efficiency, measures, support, economy, resources


Purpose: is to highlight one of the ways to assess the effectiveness of the system of economic support for the construction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Method: analysis; synthesis; comparison; formalization and evaluation of the material; abstraction and conjunctural analysis (thinking).

Findings: The article highlights the system of indicators for assessing the efficiency of the functioning of the system of economic support for construction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (SESCF of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) and the procedure for forming its overall efficiency assessment; defines the criteria by which the efficiency of a particular measure is assessed; proposes a method for assessing the efficiency of the SESCF of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Theoretical implications: is to inform the readers about the process of assessing the effectiveness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine's SESB as the main source of minimising budget expenditures.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Onofriichuk, P., Abramova, M., Tolok, P., Hetman, A., & Musienko, V. (2024). Method of evaluating the effectiveness of the system of economic support for construction activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 14(3), 153-166.
Social Sciences