Evolution of the forms and methods of use of groups of troops (forces): tendencies of armed struggle

Keywords: forms and methods of application of groups of troops (forces), national and military security, evolutionary development, trends in armed struggle


Purpose: the formation of the main features of the evolution of the forms and methods of application of groups of troops (forces) and the determination of the general trends of armed struggle in the conditions of the hybridization of wars and military conflicts.

Method: analysis; synthesis; comparison; formalization and expert evaluation; abstraction and conjunctural analysis (thinking).

Practical implications: a retrospective analysis of the evolution of the forms and methods of use of troops (forces) in different periods was carried out, the main features of their evolution in each period were determined, and the modern trends of their further transformation were formed.

Value: the article reveals the modern features of the development of the forms of use of troops (forces) in the 21st century, defines some ways of using groups of troops (forces) in modern armed conflicts, forms the general trends of the development of armed struggle in military conflicts for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as defines modern features and trends of armed struggle in the future.

Future research: directions of further research may include a multidimensional analysis of the development of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, as well as a detailed study of the transformation of classical forms and methods of conducting armed struggle.

Paper type: theoretical, practical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Mytchenko, S., Dobrovolskyi, Y., Remez, A., Yarmolchyk, M., & Tverdokhlib, Y. (2024). Evolution of the forms and methods of use of groups of troops (forces): tendencies of armed struggle. Social Development and Security, 14(3), 33-52. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2024.14.3.3
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