The influence of shaped charge liner process conditions during manufacturing on the penetration depth of 40mm ammunition
Purpose: to consider the possibility and features of 40 mm shaped charge liner manufacturing by stamping methods; evaluate the impact of stamping methods on the quality and accuracy of the liner final geometry; in case of the liner geometry imperfections appearance, investigate their effect on the efficiency depth penetration.
Method: computer simulation, natural experiment.
Findings: the liner production technology by axisymmetric sheet drawing was proposed; it was established that inaccuracies in the geometry of the stamped liner, caused by the features of the sheet drawing process, practically don’t affect on the formation of the cumulative jet and the penetration depth of 40mm ammunition.
Theoretical implications: the results of the conducted research can be used in the liner geometry optimization and the clarification of requirements for the final liner accuracy.
Practical implications: The proposed manufacturing technology of the liner can be implemented both in small-series and in mass production without the use of complex technological equipment. This significantly reduces the cost of both the liner itself and the finished product while maintaining the necessary efficiency, which is especially important for providing the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the appropriate ammunition in the required quantity in conditions of a severe shortage of resources for their manufacture.
Paper type: scientific-practical.
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