Azerbaijan’s 2023 counterterrorism operation in Karabakh region: causes and consequences

Keywords: counterterrorism operation, Karabakh, Second Karabakh War, Tripartite Statement, illegal armed group


Purpose: is to discuss the possible causes and consequences of Azerbaijan’s 2023 counterterrorism operation in Karabakh region.

Method: comparative analysis, and synthesis.

Findings: Azerbaijan is one of few countries which successfully waged a full-scale war against Armenia in order to restore its territorial integrity and conducted impeccable counterterrorism operation of the local nature against illegal armed groups in Karabakh region in order to eliminate separatism and ensure its sovereignty over liberated territories. A set of principles is usually followed to conduct counterterrorism operations, which are intricate and multidimensional, with the goal of efficiently fighting terrorist threats while minimizing collateral harm and safeguarding human rights. All principles of counterterrorism operation were met and Azerbaijan eliminated separatism once and for all and ensured its sovereignty over the liberated territories. What makes this operation different from many operations of the same nature, is that a long-term approach – one of the most important principles of the counterterrorism operations has been applied, where the immediate security concerns were eradicated, the source of separatism was isolated, the ideological extremism was dispelled, the promotion of stability was ensured, left no reason for foreign troops (so-called Russian peacekeepers) to stay in its territory.

Theoretical implications: The paper enhances our understanding of key concepts of counterterrorism operations in general and provides new insights for understanding the possible causes and consequences of Azerbaijan’s 2023 counterterrorism operation. The results obtained in the study have broader implications for national security strategies in pursuit of eradicating the similar problems in different contexts.

Practical implications: Azerbaijan’s 2023 counterterrorism operation is a typical example for the nations suffering from the same problem. Applying different aspects of this operation as depicted in the paper would definitely contribute to the adjustment of tactics and techniques, reallocation of resources, effective application of new technologies by the nations to eliminate the separatism within their internationally recognized territories.

Value: The study presents Azerbaijan’s 2023 counterterrorism operation as a model for eradicating the problems of the same nature in pursuit of peace and stability in different regions, delineates the principles of the counterterrorism operations and explains them in the example of the operation conducted by Azerbaijan Armed Forces.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Hasanov Hasan, A., Iskandarov, K., & Gawliczek, P. (2024). Azerbaijan’s 2023 counterterrorism operation in Karabakh region: causes and consequences. Social Development and Security, 14(3), 1-13.
National Security

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