An analytical overview and trend analysis of RowHummer vulnerabilities for various DRAM vendors

Keywords: DRAM, RowHummer, SideChannel, RAM, SSD, Attacks on memory



Purpose: to conduct an analytical review of the vulnerability of SSD hard drives and analyze the trends of RowHummer vulnerabilities for different DRAM manufacturers. Make development forecasts.

Findings: Shows a trend toward an increase in the number of RowHummer-vulnerable DRAM chips due to a decrease in the technical process of manufacturing memory blocks.

Practical implications: The discovered vulnerability patterns and root causes of RowHummer can contribute to a better understanding and improvement of SSD memory protection methods in general.

Value: Test data for new memory chips from several DRAM manufacturers is presented. A combined method of analysis based on past developments in the field of protection against RowHummer attacks was also used.

Future research: This research paves the way for future research on the evolution of defenses against RowHummer-type attacks and related third-party memory attacks.

Paper type: analytical.


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How to Cite
Mazurok, V., & Lutsenko, V. (2024). An analytical overview and trend analysis of RowHummer vulnerabilities for various DRAM vendors. Social Development and Security, 14(3), 238-244.
Security and Humanitarian Aid