Resilience as the newest concept of energy security

Keywords: sustainability, energy security, threats to energy security, national security


Purpose: consideration and justification of the conceptual foundations of sustainability as an innovative approach to energy security.

Method: systematic literature review, documentation analysis and comparative dynamic analysis.

Practical implications: The developed recommendations can become the basis for the formulation of new legislative acts and strategic documents aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the energy system in the face of geopolitical and economic challenges.

Value of research: This study is aimed at finding effective strategies and measures that can be used to ensure the stability and security of the energy sector and, ultimately, national security in general.

Papertype: theoretical, analytical.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, S., & Korotchenko, O. (2023). Resilience as the newest concept of energy security. Social Development and Security, 13(6), 215-240.
Military Security and Humanitarian Aid