Introduction of innovative technologies into military garrison heating systems to enhance their efficiency and reliability

Keywords: military towns, military personnel, energy efficiency, heating system, military unit commander


Purpose: the research focuses on exploring and considering the possibilities of implementing innovative technologies into the heating systems of military towns with the aim of enhancing their efficiency and reliability. It aims to identify the main issues, as well as develop proposals and recommendations for the modernization of engineering networks and optimization of heating systems in military towns using modern technologies and methods.

Design / Method / Approach (only for empirical papers): the research is empirical in nature. a combined approach was used, which included analysis of scientific and methodological literature, as well as observation of real situations in military towns. this approach allowed us to obtain specific data and take into account the peculiarities of the context of the war in ukraine when analyzing the efficiency and reliability of heating systems.

Findings: the implementation of innovative technologies in the heating systems of military towns is critically important for enhancing their efficiency and reliability. these measures will contribute to reducing energy consumption, improving comfort for military personnel, and promoting sustainable development.

Theoretical implications (if applicable): the research involves expanding the scope of studies in the optimization of heating systems in military towns. it introduces new approaches and innovative methods to enhance the efficiency and reliability of such systems, which could be beneficial in the context of military infrastructure development and ensuring national security.

Originality / Value: it lies in its relevance and practical orientation. it proposes specific solutions and innovative approaches for the modernization of heating systems in military towns, which is of great significance for improving the comfort and efficiency of military personnel’s lives.

Research limitations / Future research: This research opens up new directions of inquiry in a military context, such as energy supply strategies and studying the impact of military operations on heating systems.

Paper type: empirical research.

Keywords: military towns, military personnel, energy efficiency, heating system, military unit commander.


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How to Cite
Frolov, O., Bulhakov, R., Kushnareva, G., & Rabochaya, T. (2024). Introduction of innovative technologies into military garrison heating systems to enhance their efficiency and reliability. Social Development and Security, 14(2), 44-51.
Engineering and Technology