Strategic management of the capability development of the armed forces under the influence of military and economic factors

Keywords: capabilities, factors, development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, evaluation of capabilities


Purpose: is consists in determining the influence of military and economic factors on the strategic management of the development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Method: analysis, synthesis, comparison, formalization and expert evaluation, abstraction and conjunctive analysis (thinking).

Findings: the main factors that have a decisive influence on the development of the capabilities of the armed forces are determined; the results of evaluating the influence of factors on the effectiveness of managing the development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are given; estimates of the influence of the main factors on the effectiveness of the management of the development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were formed; approaches to assessing the relationship between economic (military) factors and indicators of the effectiveness of the development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the basis of available statistical information are given.

Theoretical implications: consists in determining possible approaches to assessing the level of influence of factors on the level of development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces and assessing the degree of interrelationship between economic (military) factors and the level of capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Fedianovych, D., Chuhui, H., Herasymenko, O., Moroz, I., & Polyvoda, M. (2024). Strategic management of the capability development of the armed forces under the influence of military and economic factors. Social Development and Security, 14(1), 240-255.
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