Improvement of the scientific and methodological apparatus for calculating the risks of occurrence and analyzing scenarios of emergency situations at critical infrastructure facilities

Keywords: critical infrastructure, emergency situation, minimization of consequences, development of emergency models


Purpose: minimization of the consequences of emergency situations through the use of advanced scientific and methodological apparatus.

Method: probability theory, graph theory, logic algebra, simulation modeling.

Findings: the scientific and methodical apparatus for calculating the risks of occurrence and analyzing scenarios of emergency situations at critical infrastructure objects has been improved in order to prevent the occurrence and minimize the impact of the consequences of emergency situations.

Theoretical implications: prevention of emergency situations of a terrorist nature by assessing destructive events in the conditions of cascading consequences of terrorist influence.

Papertype: descriptive and research.


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How to Cite
Murasov, R., Nikitin, A., Meshcheriakov, I., Pidhorodetskyi, M., & Poplavets, S. (2024). Improvement of the scientific and methodological apparatus for calculating the risks of occurrence and analyzing scenarios of emergency situations at critical infrastructure facilities. Social Development and Security, 14(1), 205-217.
Civil Security

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