Methodological principles of assessing the effectiveness of planning defense resources the Armed forces of Ukraine using the generalized function of the desirability of Harrington

Keywords: efficiency, planning of defense resources, efficiency indicators, Harrington's desirability function


Purpose: development of a methodical basis for evaluating the effectiveness of planning defense resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine using the generalized Harrington desirability function.

Method: method of systematic analysis.

Findings: the article develops methodological principles for evaluating the effectiveness of defense resource planning using Harrington's desirability function.

Value: The results of the study extend the existing methodological framework for assessing the effectiveness of defense resource planning and can be used in further research on defense resource planning issues had a great time.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Diakov, S., Matiushenko, D., & Oboznenko, E. (2024). Methodological principles of assessing the effectiveness of planning defense resources the Armed forces of Ukraine using the generalized function of the desirability of Harrington. Social Development and Security, 14(1), 163-174.
Social Sciences

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