Higher military education as a determinant for developing leadership qualities of future military specialists

Keywords: military education, leadership, leadership qualities, future military specialist, mentoring, cadet, pedagogical conditions


Purpose: to give theoretical substantiation of the pedagogical conditions and model for developing leadership qualities of future military specialists within the system of higher military education.

Method: system analysis, systematization, classification and generalization of scientific and methodological literature.

Findings: within the study, we defined the organizational and pedagogical conditions for developing leadership qualities of future military specialists in the system of higher military education; on their basis, we built a model for developing military university cadets' leadership qualities; within the structure of the model, we focused on leadership components that require a balanced and interconnected development in the training process; highlighted the system-forming factors of the development of leadership qualities of military specialists.

Future research: study the possibilities of enhancing the cadets' leadership qualities in the course of the extracurricular activities.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Berezhny, A., Petrova, L., & Savchenko, O. (2024). Higher military education as a determinant for developing leadership qualities of future military specialists. Social Development and Security, 14(1), 150-162. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2024.14.1.13
Social Sciences