Improved methodology for assessing the effectiveness of mine action systems

Keywords: explosive objects, mine action, demining, mine situation, civil safety, ecology, emergency situation, effectiveness of system functioning, efficiency


Purpose: is to improve the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the mine action system.

Method: analytical, ball methods, methods of synthesis and formal logic.

Findings: The proposed improved methodology is the basis of the scientific and methodological apparatus for the comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the mine action system, as well as the justification based on it of practical recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of the PMD system, which will comprehensively take into account the peculiarities of the conditions for the implementation of mine action activities (in particular, the priority of demining tasks and the complexity of their implementation).

Theoretical implications: the analysis of the impact of some factors on mine action in Ukraine and the proposed methodical approach to assessing the effectiveness of the PMD system will allow better implementation of PMD measures in the state.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Komisarov, M. (2024). Improved methodology for assessing the effectiveness of mine action systems. Social Development and Security, 14(1), 84-99.
National and Military Security