Organization of forecasting of the military and political situation to ensure the military and economic security of the state
Purpose: to substantiation of recommendations regarding the organization of information support for forecasting the military and political situation to increase national (military) security.
Method: an approach based on Knowledge Discovery in Databases and OLAP technology is used to create multidimensional data warehouses.
Practical implications: The proposed recommendations will facilitate access to the necessary data in any combination, simplify the construction of statistical time series for further forecasting and increase the efficiency of data acquisition and processing. The recommendations can be used in organising the work of analytical units of the information support system for the subjects of military security of the state and developing recommendations to the military and political leadership of the state.
Value: the article proposes the structuring of arrays of information necessary for forecasting the military-political situation, as well as an approach to processing information based on the Knowledge Discovery in Databases method and its storage using OLAP technology.
Paper type: theoretical, practical.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alexey Solomitsky, Oleh Semenenko, Polina Tolok, Artem Remez, Yurii Melnychuk, Anastasiia Mynenko

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