Methodology for determining the optimal number of fictitious closed firing positions of artillery units to ensure their survivability in large-scale combat operations (operations)
urpose: is to develop a methodology for determining the optimal number of fictitious closed firing positions of artillery units to ensure their survivability in large-scale combat operations (operations).
Method: the main methods of research are the method of system analysis and methods of probability theory.
Findings: the proposed methodology makes it possible to determine the optimal number of fictitious closed firing positions of artillery units and to be the basis for substantiating recommendations by officials of military administration bodies to ensure the survivability of artillery units in large-scale combat operations (operations).
Theoretical implications: the main results of research on the topic of the article are the development scientific and methodical apparatus for choosing the optimal number of fictitious closed firing positions of the artillery unit in large-scale combat operations (operations) using the criterion of optimality. The basis of the developed methodology is the methods of the theory of probabilities, which, by their very nature, make it possible to find cause-and-effect relationships and regularities inherent in mass random events.
Papertype: scientific and theoretical article.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Oleh Holovchenko, Roman Shevtsov, Oleksii Ishchenko, Oleksandr Lykholot, Anton Hrytsenko, Dmytro Horb

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