Content and conceptual principles of personnel management in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Keywords: personnel policy, principles of forming the personnel warehouse, personnel training, personnel management, personnel potential


Purpose: justification of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the personnel management system of the Armed Forces and its principles, formalization of the main components of personnel management as elements of the management system.

Method: synthesis and analysis.

Findings: In this article, the main conceptual issues related to the implementation of personnel policy in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are revised, the basic principles of the current personnel policy in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defined, and the tasks and directions of personnel activity are formulated ITICS.

Value: This work will be useful to defense professionals, policymakers, analysts, and researchers interested in the development of military personnel strategies.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Popov, S., Melnyk, N., Rozmaznin, O., & Iefimenko, A. (2024). Content and conceptual principles of personnel management in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 14(1), 127-137.
Social Sciences

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