New concept of military personnel policy: challenges and prospects

Keywords: military personnel policy, military technologies, recruitment and selection of personnel, motivation and retention of personnel, interagency cooperation


Purpose: consists of a comprehensive analysis of modern trends and challenges faced by the military personnel policy, as well as highlighting the potential directions of its development and modernization in the context of the implementation of the Concept of the Military Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine until 2028.

Method: analysis and synthesis.

The results of the study: the authors consider key aspects and innovative approaches in the formation and development of personnel policy of modern military forces. The article analyzes in detail the challenges faced by military organizations in the context of recruitment, training, motivation and retention of personnel. Special attention is paid to the need to adapt personnel policy to rapid changes in technology, military strategies, and global conditions. The authors highlight innovative strategies that can be implemented to increase the effectiveness of personnel policy, including the integration of modern technologies into the process of training and development of personnel, as well as the development of professional skills that will be relevant not only in military but also in civilian careers. The importance of multinational and interagency cooperation to share experiences and develop joint programs is also discussed. The article offers an in-depth analysis and recommendations that can be useful for the formation of an effective military personnel policy capable of responding to modern challenges and using existing perspectives.

Value: this work will be useful to defense professionals, policymakers, analysts, and researchers interested in the development of military personnel strategies. Systematized key tasks of the Concept of military personnel policy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine until 2028.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Stoyanova-Koval, S., Popov, S., Rozmaznin, O., & Sokur, N. (2023). New concept of military personnel policy: challenges and prospects. Social Development and Security, 13(6), 206-214.
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