The methodology of substantiation of the appropriate composition of forces and means for reinforcement of military units of operational-tactical group of troops

at the threatening line of the defense in conditions of changing by the enemy the direction of the main attack

Keywords: composition of forces and means, defense operation, defense lines, combat potential, ratio of forces and means


Purpose: is the disclosure of the main provisions of the methodology for substantiating the appropriate composition of forces and means of strengthening the military units of the Operational-Tactical Group of troops defending in the direction of the main attack of the enemy.

Method: analysis, synthesis, method of mathematical modeling, method of operations planning.

Theoretical implications: a well-founded structural scheme and the essence of the methodology, which consists in determining the ratio of forces and means of the parties, taking into account the losses for the current time of conducting the defense operation, as well as in determining the share of the combat potential, due to which the troops can be strengthened. On the basis of the obtained values of the ratio of the forces of the sides, the losses of the sides, the depth of the enemy's wedge into the defense and taking into account the available forces and means, the formation of the composition of forces and means is carried out to strengthen the military units (subunits) of the first echelon, where there is a threat of breaking through the defense line of the operational-tactical group troops.

Practical implications: the methodology will allow to substantiate practical recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the defense operation at the stage of holding the first line of defense.

Papertype: methodical.


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How to Cite
Kryvoruchko, I. (2023). The methodology of substantiation of the appropriate composition of forces and means for reinforcement of military units of operational-tactical group of troops : at the threatening line of the defense in conditions of changing by the enemy the direction of the main attack. Social Development and Security, 13(2), 211-221.
Military Security and Humanitarian Aid