A method of strategic management of the development of the border security environment of Ukraine

Keywords: SWOT analysis, security environment, concept, method, national security, border security, strategy


Purpose: development of the strategic management method of Ukraine border security environment evolution.

Method: analysis of sources; generalization; comparison; abstraction; SWOT-analysis.

The results of the study: are analysis of theoretical foundations of the concept of border security substantiation, taking into account the peculiarities of interstate relations with neighboring states; setting the task of developing a method of strategic management of Ukraine border security environment development; description of solving the researched problem method; evaluation of solving the researched problem method theoretical foundations; description of the technology for solving the researched problem and evaluation of an illustrative example of the proposed method application.

Theoretical implications: lies in developing a method of strategic management of Ukraine border security environment evolution.

Practical implications: lies in the fact that the proposed method of strategic management of Ukraine border security environment development is one of the possible effective mechanisms in the activities of ensuring border security of Ukraine subjects.

Value: the method of strategic management of Ukraine border security environment evolution was developed for the first time.

Limitations of the study: Developed method is not intended to substantiate the concept of border security and the strategy of developing the border security environment in the border sea and air spaces of Ukraine.

Papertype: Theoretical and conceptual.


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How to Cite
Levadnyi, I., Borovyk, O., Kupriyenko, D., & Mysyk, A. (2023). A method of strategic management of the development of the border security environment of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 13(6), 181-205. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2023.13.6.16
Military Security and Humanitarian Aid