Modern features of the military-economic justification of the strategic tasks of the components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine based on foreign experience
Purpose: is to explain the main strategic tasks of some components of the security and defense system of Ukraine until 2024 (the Armed Forces, the National Guard and the Border Guard Service of Ukraine) and to provide basic recommendations for improving the effectiveness of their military-economic justification.
Method: analysis; synthesis; comparison; formalization and evaluation of the material; abstraction and conjectural analysis (thinking).
Findings: a descriptive analysis of the strategic tasks of the security and defense sector of Ukraine for the period up to 2024; outlining the main elements of the military-economic justification of the strategic tasks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; identifying the peculiarities of implementing recommendations for improving the military-economic justification of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; proposing relevant strategies for improving the military-economic justification
Theoretical implications: is to convey to the reader the relevance of understanding the security and defense sector as a single structure with a number of elements, the effective military-economic justification of the strategic tasks of which, in the complex, is unlikely without taking into account their individual characteristics.
Paper type: theoretical, descriptive, practical, methodical.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Oleh Semenenko, Maryna Abramova, Vitalii Onofriichuk, Maria Yarmolchyk, Andrii Onofriichuk, Maksym Polyvoda

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