Risk assessment during declaration of safety of potentially dangerous objects

Keywords: potentially dangerous objects, danger, hazard identification, industrial safety, accident risk assessment, simulation and mathematical model, degree of risk


Purpose: development of a method for assessing the risk of accidents during the declaration of potentially dangerous objects, during industrial safety examination, substantiation of technical safety solutions, during insurance and economic analysis of safety based on the "cost-safety-convenience" criterion.

Method: the degree of risk of accidents at a dangerous production facility, the operation of which is associated with many dangers and is determined based on the accounting of relevant criteria and risk indicators. In general, risk indicators are expressed using a combination (combination) of the probability (or frequency) and weight of the consequences of undesirable events. Methods of analysis and synthesis, analysis of "trees of accident development scenarios" became the methodical tools of the conducted research.

The results of the study: an improved technique that allows predicting the distribution of dangerous zones in the event of an accident; distribution of workers at the facility in the event of an accident (probable); individual and social risks for workers at the production site (regularity).

Theoretical implications: consists in the possibility of determining a real estimate of the probability of an accident at the PNO using an improved methodology.

Value: the results of the risk assessment are used in the declaration of dangerous production facilities, in the examination of industrial safety, justification of technical safety solutions, in insurance and economic analysis of safety based on the "cost-safety-convenience" criterion, as well as in the analysis of the impact of production activities on the environment and assessment other procedures related to industrial safety analysis.

Limitations of the study: the limitation of the study is the use of freely available information.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Bogatov, O., Pavlunko, M., Posmityukh, O., & Antakova, N. (2023). Risk assessment during declaration of safety of potentially dangerous objects. Social Development and Security, 13(6), 159-168. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2023.13.6.14
Civil Security

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