Small statesʼ efforts on militarization outer space uncertainties in the twenty-first century: a Kantian triangle perspective

  • Aldelita Putri Balqis Romulia Republic Indonesia Defense University
  • Anak Agung Banyu Perwita Republic Indonesia Defense University
  • F.G. Cempaka Timur Republic Indonesia Defense University
Keywords: militarization outer space, Kantian triangle, small states


Purpose: To reveal the phenomenon of rapid development of technology in the twenty-first century that affects countries around the world to find other promising geopolitical spaces apart from air, land, and sea namely outer space which at the same time increases military competition and outer space militarization that creates uncertainty to the small states. 

Method: Using the qualitative method that develops an in-depth analysis of social phenomena, through various sources such as government official documents, books, article journals, and online news articles.

Findings: The small states’ effort to face the militarization of outer space in the twenty-first-century era which was influenced by massive technological development and increased military competition by great-power countries is by applying the Kantian Triangle perspective which consists of three components democracy, economic interdependence, and international organization to build peace, stability, and prevent conflict in the anarchy system of international politics. 


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How to Cite
Romulia, A. P. B., Perwita, A. A. B., & Timur, F. C. (2023). Small statesʼ efforts on militarization outer space uncertainties in the twenty-first century: a Kantian triangle perspective. Social Development and Security, 13(6), 16-25.
National Security