Analysis of factors affecting the development of forms and methods of use of the defense forces of Ukraine in the conditions of hybridization of armed conflicts

Keywords: forms and methods of application, defense forces, factor, hybrid warfare


Purpose: is to identify and analyze the factors affecting the development of the forms and methods of application of the Defense Forces of Ukraine in crisis situations of a military nature, taking into account the influence of the hybridization of armed conflicts, as well as researching the possibilities of adapting the existing forms and methods of application of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the challenges of the related to the hybridization of military actions, taking into account the aspects of the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war.

Method: the main methods of research are methods of analysis and synthesis; methods of statistical and comparative analysis; formalization method; methods of abstraction and observation, method of expert survey.

Findings: The main results are that in the article: the main features of crisis situations of a military nature are determined, taking into account the hybridization of conflicts; basic concepts on the subject of the development of forms and methods of the use of defense forces in crisis situations of a military nature were formed, taking into account the influence of the factor of hybridization of conflicts; the main military and economic factors that influence the development of the forms and methods of the use of the defense forces of Ukraine are determined and expert assessments of the influence of factors on the effectiveness of the use of the defense forces in the period from 2015 to 2023 are calculated; examples of negative consequences for Ukraine related to errors and miscalculations in the process of taking into account the influence of factors during the formation of views on the development and application of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are revealed.

Theoretical implications: the theoretical value of the research lies in The conducted analysis showed that in modern conditions, when the nature of conflicts and security threats is becoming more and more complex and diverse, the understanding of the main terms and concepts related to the forms and methods of the use of defense forces in crisis situations of a military nature acquires the importance of continuous analysis and adaptation.

Paper type: analytical, theoretical-methodical, descriptive, practical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Mytchenko, S., Vodchyts, O., Dobrovolskyi, Y., Tarasov, R., & Lysenko, Y. (2023). Analysis of factors affecting the development of forms and methods of use of the defense forces of Ukraine in the conditions of hybridization of armed conflicts. Social Development and Security, 13(5), 75-92.
National Security

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