Recommendations for the introduction of the border monitoring system

Keywords: space, management, organization, state border, integrated border management, surveillance, border security


Purpose: to formulate the content of recommendations regarding the introduction of monitoring the border space as a system.

Method: analysis, decomposition and synthesis.

Findings: defined, the main tasks of the engineering and technical arrangement of the border are: providing remote monitoring of the technical equipment of the border area, complicating illegal crossing of the border and ensuring its control, protecting the relevant border unit at the border from types of means of injury; ensuring the possible conditions for the actions of their forces (troops) and the use of means.

Theoretical implications: is a compilation of popular scientific views on research problems.

Practical implications: consists in the fact that the contents of the recommendations regarding the introduction of the monitoring system of the border area have been formulated.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Fedyk, A., & Kaluzhnyi, V. (2023). Recommendations for the introduction of the border monitoring system. Social Development and Security, 13(6), 8-15.
National Security